Asst.Prof.Shruti.A.Rege, Vice- Principal, Asain College of Science and Commerce (AAER) Dhayari, Pune-41, has an extended experience in the field of education. Her educational qualifications are Masters in Computer Applications (Engineering). Along with Vice-Principal she holds other responsibilities as IQAC Co-ordinator, IIC Vice-President, NIRF, ARII Co-ordinator. Here is a brief interview session with Shruti.A.Rege who talks about their experience of online and offline education.
Which mode is currently the college following online or offline mode?
Currently, Asain College is through offline mode, but for those students who are far the college and are unable to travel the college is providing them online lectures as well. Basically we are working on both the modes are per students convenience.
How was the online mode experience as the Vice-Principal to you?
At the initial stage it was a challenge to move from offline to online mode. We have provided training to faculty members regarding online education such as usage of Google Meet, online lectures at various platforms which will make students comfortable to learn and cope with the study. We also provided recorded lectures for the students to make it easy for learning process. So both online and recorded lectures were made available to the students. Along with that guide videos were made and sent to the students for step by step procedure if any doubts. Google Classroom was used for recorded lectures and study material.
What all challenges did you face in the pandemic period in the means of teaching?
The faculty was very supportive but using technology we had to face connectivity issues it was hard to connect to the students as they were at home and we were in ours. Students belonging to the rural areas were not able to connect the online lectures, as a solution to that we provided the students with recorded lectures.
How was the attendance marked for the students for online class?
Students who attended the class their class were marked, but to those who faced internet issues were given daily assessment of the particular subject, and submit it in the same day so that we get to know the student is clear with the topic taught and on the submission basis their attendance was marked.
How did the faculty co-operate with you in the pandemic situations?
Faculties were very co-operative and because of them we could accept and face the challenge of online classes, and we overcame the barriers which we had to face, with this we have received many awards in the particular year as the “Outstanding college providing online effective classes” by World Education Leader. Performance of the faculty is really appreciable and they are always eager to learn something new.
Will the campus be sanitized on daily basis as the college now is in offline mode?
Yes, we are sanitizing the classrooms daily, we sanitize them twice i.e. before the classes start and after the classes are over and the premises. Along with that cleaning is also done on regular basis, the washrooms are cleaned as well as the floors are sanitized. We are keeping a keener check with the hygiene and cleanliness.
How did the pandemic situations affect the curriculum?
It definitely did affect the curriculum, but it did not affect the academics whatever syllabus was previously there the faculty had to teach that. The reduction of the syllabus was at a lower rate. For the students studying in 12th std. the portion was reduced but for the senior college the portion remained the same. Students were exposed to gain skilled certificate courses through online mode as a booster to the curriculum, which gave them extra-credit.
How were the practicals conducted for the online students after the COVID-19 period?
As the college has a Commerce Science background there are students who had computer related practicals we provided he software online for the students for the practical sessions. The recorded practicals were shared with the students as a part of the studies for the students.
How did you manage to converse with the parents of the students?
Online meetings were conducted for the parents to show the assessment of the students. Parent- Teachers meetings were also conducted. For admission process for the new students who are interested parents and students were sent videos of the college with all the details provided in it in the online mode, providing our website link to the parents.
Were there any issues faced regarding the payment of fees in the pandemic period as the college was completely in the online mode?
No there were no such complaints or issues regarding the payment of fees from the students and the parents. As the students are satisfied with the services provided and maximum efforts were taken for the students.
What are the important functions as the Vice Principal? How would you prioritize them?
The most important role for me is the academics, and not only completing the syllabus but the implementation of the syllabus, it was a task to complete all the syllabus through online mode with the relevant platforms provided to the students Other than that we also conducted the NSS Camps for the students development leading to a good citizen. Placements also play a major role as it is the ultimate goal of hat the student has learned throughout as a student. We provide 100% placements for our college. Also focusing on the IIC activities where we train students for the business activities. We get business ideas from them and help them out as they are extra-ordinary students who don’t follow the job patterns.
Would you like to give any small message for the students who are reading this article?
As a student you should keep learning where you should be less stressed or in pressurized during the learning process. Getting affected by the marks obtained is not what is to be done , you can definitely try better the next attempt. Taking care of yourselves and your parents should also be the priority of the students.
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