Exams / Admission

Rishihood University is organising an offline Policy Boot Camp from 3rd July 17th July. The registrations for this boot camp are open. The venue for this camp is Rishihood University.

Rishihood University is organising an offline Policy Boot Camp from 3rd July -17th July. The registrations for this boot camp are open. The venue for this camp is Rishihood University.

It is from 3rd July 2023- 17th July 2023


Sanya Tayal

Sonipat, Rishihood University is organising an offline Policy Boot Camp from 3rd July -17th July. The registrations for this boot camp are open. The venue for this camp is Rishihood University.

The Policy Boot Camp is an initiative taken by Vision India Foundation. Through this boot camp, participants will be able to interact with leading officials, notable political figures, media personalities, and on-the-ground activists to get insights and views. In a span of 15 days, the participants will learn about the compromises involved in developing policies that affect a nation of 1.25 billion people. They would also get in-depth knowledge of institutions, as well as an understanding of the impact of issues such as political parties, policy ideas, information technology, and globalisation.

To apply, please visit: https://rishihood.edu.in/event/policy-bootcamp-pbc-2023/ 

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