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Prof. Sushma Yadav addressed International Conference

Certainly such events will prove helpful in finding solutions.

Haryana :- After the Corona Pandemic, a period of continuous reflection is going on regarding the important issues and challenges that have emerged on the world stage. An international conference was organized by the Center for Research in Social Sciences and Education of Jain Deemed University to understand the impact of economic development, education and political and strategic changes at the global level and to find the way for the future accordingly. Experts brainstormed in detail in a two-day conference on ' Post-Pandemic World Order: Issues and Challenges organized in Bengaluru under the joint aegis of Central University of Haryana, Mahendragarh;Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences and Kalyani University, West Bengal.

Representatives from prestigious institutions in the country and abroad expressed their views on important topics like Emerging India's Role in the Post-Pandemic World Order, G-20Delhi Declaration and India's Moment in the Post-Pandemic World, Geopolitics and Global Order, Pandemic and the State of Democracy: India and his Neighbours, Post-Pandemic Policy Approaches: A Path to Socio-Economic Recovery, Media andInfodemic and mental health, education, Science and climate change, Migration and Art &literature. Pro-Vice Chancellor of Central University of Haryana (CUH), Mahendragarh, Prof. Sushma Yadav played the role of co-patron and participated as a guest of honour in the inaugural session of the event. After returning from the conference, Prof. Yadav met the Vice-Chancellor of the University Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar and informed him about the discussions held in this international event. Prof. Sushma Yadav said that in the conference organized in collaboration with Central University of Haryana, discussions were held at various levels regarding the global pandemic 'Corona' and its impact on the world community in which all the participants expressed their opinion regarding the changed circumstances due to its impact and the necessary changes in the future.

Prof. Sushma Yadav said that in view of the changed circumstances after the Corona pandemic, the event discussed the challenges faced by the world community ranging from education to health, employment, social and economic change. Prof. Yadav said that this event will definitely prove helpful in understanding the changed world conditions after the pandemic at the international level and solving the challenges related to it. The Vice Chancellor Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar said that in today's time, being an educational institution, the role of the University becomes important from improving the education system to policy making at various levels. Certainly such events will prove helpful in finding solutions.

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