
NLSIU calls for applications for research assistant in Pluralist Agreement and Constitutional Transformation project

The duration of the project is three years and the deadline for application submission is January 11 (Wednesday).


Bengaluru :The National School of India University (NLSIU) is inviting applications from anyone wishing to be a full-time research assistant in their Pluralist Agreement and Constitutional Transformation (PACT) project. The duration of the project is three years and the deadline for application submission is January 11 (Wednesday).

The research assistant will report to the project co-investigator, will be based out of the NLSIU Bangalore campus and will involve field and desk research, writing academic papers and blog posts, organizing and participating in workshops/training programmes with stakeholders, analyzing the impact of the PACT project, and participating in conference and policy dialogues. The research assistant will also help conduct literature reviews, curate relevant material and cases, write academic papers, research reports and blog notes and research contemporary themes, write progress reports and/or manage other reporting needs and handle any administrative responsibilities under the project. The salary will be based on the applicant’s educational background, qualifications, and relevant experience and will be benchmarked to relevant academic positions, as per CPC VII (Central Pay Commission Level 7).

Applicants need to have a Master’s degree in law, history, or any related field from a recognized university. Preference will be shown to applicants with a PhD, relevant working experience, backgrounds in constitutional law or history, and/or have experience in undertaking field research. Applicants must also have experience in organizing academic events and workshops, management of academic and research projects, be able to use MS Office, Google Documents, Gmail and Google Sheets, have good analytical skills, time management skills, technical skills, collation skills and communication skills (written and oral), a good understanding of the domain at the graduate and post-graduate level, 0 to 3 years work experience in an academic or professional setting with proof of research and writing ability, and must be self-motivated, data driven, have an attention to detail, and be able to work independently as well as with others.

In order to apply, applicants must fill out the linked form with their CV, statement of purpose (word limit is 500), a sole-authored writing sample, graduation and post-graduation degrees, experience certificate, identity proof, and details of two references with contact details.

You can apply for the position here:

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