Institutional Activities

K.R Mangalam University organized an Extension Activity on stitching and embroidery

To facilitate their learning, the participants were provided with sewing kits containing needles, threads, and fabric. An about hundred students become the part of the activity.


Gurugram,The Fashion Design Department of the K.R Mangalam University organized an extension activity on Monday. The activity was organized in Lakhuwas village with the goal of promoting skill development and empowerment among young women.

The activity actually focused on teaching stitching and embroidery techniques. The students introduced villagers the fundamental stitching techniques like running stitch, backstitch, and blanket stitch.

To facilitate their learning, the participants were provided with sewing kits containing needles, threads, and fabric. An about hundred students become the part of the activity. Students taught and learned various methods of sewing.

Through step-by-step demonstrations and hands-on practice on fabric swatches, the participants successfully stitched products and gained a comprehensive understanding of various embroidery techniques.

Lastly, the activity achieved its objective of empowering young women and developed new skills among the participants.

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