Exams / Admission

JEE Main: NIT Goa cut offs for BTech in Computer Science and Engineering in past 5 years

Admission in BTech programmes at the NIT Goa is made on the basis of the performance in JEE for Indian nationals.

JEE Main 2024: The National Institute of Technology (NIT) Goa uses the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) Main scores for admission to its undergraduate engineering programmes. NIT Goa offers undergraduate engineering, postgraduate engineering degrees and PhD programmes.
Admission to NIT Goa is made on the basis of the Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) or Joint Seat Allocation Authority (JoSAA) counselling. JoSAA conducts separate counselling processes for admission to the NITs. Admission in BTech programmes at the NIT Goa is made on the basis of the performance in JEE for Indian nationals.

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