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JEE Main 2024: Things to keep in mind if this is your second attempt

Students should also indulge in recreational activities that can help them refresh their minds and, in turn, improve their retention power.

New Delhi :- The Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) is a crucial gateway for aspiring engineers seeking admission into the country’s premier engineering institutions. Recognising its significance, many candidates opt for a second attempt at JEE to optimise their chances of securing high ranks and conforming seats in the leading colleges. This strategic decision leverages their prior experience with the exam format, syllabus knowledge, and valuable lessons learned from their initial attempt. By adopting a focused and refined approach, second-time aspirants can effectively address their weaknesses, refine their understanding, and ultimately achieve their academic aspirations.

In this article, let’s explore things to remember for a second attempt at JEE.

Embrace the power of revision:

Make a thorough revision plan to fortify the preparation. Make sure that Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, all three are given equal attention by allocating specific time slots for each subject. Using faster revision techniques can enable reviewing important ideas, equations, and topics from notes maintained throughout the year. Using mind maps, self-tests, and flashcards can immensely help in remembering things already studied.

Practice previous exam papers:

To improve the problem-solving and time-management skills during the exam, make it a priority to complete sample and previous year questions. Along with this, to familiarise oneself with the time limits and atmosphere of the exams, it is recommended to take practice tests in an exam-like environment. Simulating the exam framework can help with time management and reduce anxiety at the time of the final exam. Candidates should focus on examining their performance on these practice tests, which can help identify areas that require further work.

Try to attempt the maximum number of questions:

At the time of answering the exam, candidates should prioritise attempting the maximum number of questions correctly. Understanding the importance of scoring well to elevate the rank, it is advisable to opt for simple, easy questions first that require the application of basic concepts. After answering the easier question, candidates can move on to tough questions that are tricky and time-consuming.

Solve numerical questions daily:

Aspiring individuals should prioritise daily practice with numerical problems to optimise their preparation. It cultivates problem-solving prowess, bolsters confidence, and enhances cognitive flexibility. Additionally, incorporating time constraints into these exercises further refines decision-making speed and equips them to navigate time-sensitive situations effectively.

Prioritise the overall health:

Feeling anxious during an exam is natural, but effective stress management can play a crucial role in overcoming the anxiety. To stay focused and avoid fatigue, break up study sessions into small chunks and take breaks. In the crucial period before the exam, it is advisable to lead a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, consistent exercise, and adequate sleep are essential for optimal cognitive performance. Try to drink plenty of water and include nutrient-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and nuts in the diet to stay healthy. While students may not prioritise sleep, getting enough rest can significantly improve their concentration and memory for the exam.

The aforementioned tips can immensely help in securing a good score in the JEE exam. Revising regularly and practising the previous year’s papers can strengthen the preparation thoroughly. Generally, those appearing for JEE for the second time are under a lot of pressure to perform well in the exam. This can lead to unwanted stress and anxiety among them. To overcome stress, they should focus on exercises that can keep their body and mind calm.


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