CBSE Board Class 12 Result 2023 Declared: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) today released the results for Class 12 results. Students can check their result result at the official websites –,,, by entering their name and roll number.
This year, the overall pass percentage for Class 12 is 87.33 per cent, which is a dip from last year’s performance (-5.38), however, as per CBSE, it has increased from the pre-pandemic years. In 2022, the overall pass percentage was 92.71 per cent in comparison to 88.78 per cent in 2020 and 83.40 per cent in 2019.
Of the 16,80256 students who registered for the exam, 1660511 appeared. Among these, 1450174 have passed the CBSE Class 12 exams.
This year too, the Trivandrum has emerged as the best district with 99.91 per cent followed by Bengaluru at 98.64% and Chennai at 97.40%. Delhi West is in fourth position with 93.24%.
The CBSE class 12 exams were held from February 15 till April 5 and the exams began from 10:30 am. Most of the exams were of three hours and concluded at 1:30 pm, while some were of two hours duration and concluded at 12:30 pm. Around 16,96,770 students appeared for the class 12 examinations.
In 2022, class 12 exams were held from April 26 to June 15. For 2022, the CBSE Board Class 12 exams were held in bifurcated format meaning Term 1 exam in Nov-Dec and Term 2 Exam in May-June. The board declared the result only after consolidating the marks for both the terms.
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