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University Registration for UG Semester 1 students for the academic year 2024 at Burdwan Raj College

University Registration Process for UG Semester 1 students for the academic year 2024; dates announced

Kolkata : Burdwan Raj College has announced to all students of 1st Semester from B.A., B.Sc., B.Com. (3-year Major and 4-Year Major) of Day, Morning and Evening Sections of the College are hereby notified about their registration under the University of Burdwan:

Every student must enlist his/her name in the university portal after log-in on and from 25/10/2024 to 05/11/2024. Students, who have NOT YET CHOSEN their Minor, MDC & AEC subjects from the concerned Department of their Major Subjects, are directed not to proceed for registration until they receive requisite permission from the concerned Department of their respective Major Subjects. To obtain such permission, they should contact their respective Department of their Major immediately without which their application for registration will not be considered by the College.

The process of University Registration is mentioned in the following link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13Il52imq2gVdL6chd9Qi4VNmPvAOM2_8/view?usp=sharing

Online Student Registration links:

Online Student Login Link: https://www.digialm.com:443//EForms/configuredHtml/1254/86290/login.html

After filling up the online form, all students should download the same,take a printout and verify their choice of Minor and MDC subjects from the concerned Major Department on 05/11/2024 and 06/11/2024. Students are directed to follow their respective Departmental notification for this purpose.

After verification of subjects students are directed to pay the requisite registration fee (Rs. 290/-) online. Any query about this can be made with the College office.

After paying registration fee students are required to take a print out of the challan and visit the College office (from 11 am to 1.30 pm) along with the verified Registration Form for final approval of the College strictly according to the following schedule:

●All Students of B Com (3- & 4-Year Courses): 09/11/2024
● All Students of BSC (3- & 4-Year Courses -- Day Shift only):11/11/2024
● All Students of BA (4 Year Course - Day Shift only):12/11/2024
● All Students of BA (3 Year Course - Day Shift only):13/11/2024
● All Students of BA & BSc (3- & 4-Year Courses Morning Shift only): 14/11/2024

The registration process shall remain incomplete without final approval from the College office.

For more details and updates, students are advised to visit the official website of Burdwan Raj College at [burdwanrajcollege.ac.in] (https://burdwanrajcollege.ac.in)

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