By Jayshree Athole
New Delhi: Netaji Subhas University of Technology, New Delhi is organizing 2nd International Conference on "Signals, Machines, and Automation (SIGMA)-2022' from August 5 to 6, 2022. The 2nd International Conference on Signals, Machines and Automation aims to bring together leading academicians and researchers to exchange and share their experiences and research outcomes within the spectrum of conference themes.
SIGMA-2022 is going to be hosted by Netaji Subhas University of Technology (NSUT), New Delhi in virtual mode. The Conference will provide excellent opportunities for the presentation of new and interesting research results and their discussion leading to knowledge transfer and the generation of new ideas. It is planned to publish the peer reviewed and selected papers of the conference as proceedings with Springer in their prestigious “Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering" series. Select papers from the conference will be published by Springer as a proceedings book volume.
Springer will conduct quality checks on the accepted papers and only papers that pass these checks will be published. Extended versions of some of the selected papers will also be invited for publication in " International journal of non linear control and Dynamics - Inderscience". The last date of registration is July 5, 2022. .
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