Exams / Admission

Non NET Fellowship for Full Time Ph.D. Scholars under SWMCMS Scheme at Aliah University

Non-NET Fellowship for Full-Time Ph.D. Scholars application deadline is 11th and 12th September,2024

Kolkata 3rd September, 2024: Aliah University has announced to all HoDs/HoDs (Officiating) and the PhD scholars admitted in May 2024,who are full time scholars not receiving any fellowship from any source. Such PhD scholars are advised to apply for Non-Net fellowship under the Swami Vivekananda Merit-Cum Means Scholarship ( SWMCMS) scheme of Government of West Bengal in prescribed formats with the following documents. 

1. Students are advised to bring Filled-in and signed Application Form (Annexure-l)
2. Students are advised to bring Certificate of Claiming fellowship (Annexure-ll)
3. Students are advised to bring Self-Declaration and Undertaking (Annexure-lll)
4. Students are advised to bring Cancelled cheque
5. Students are advised to bring First page of Bank passbook (self-attested) 

The Application Form, Certificate Claiming Fellowship, Self Declaration and Undertaking are attached

The University's role is only to forward the application with all supporting documents to the
WBMDFC Government of West Bengal for consideration of financial assistance of Rs. 8000/- p.m (not exceeding a
period of four years from the date admission/registration) from the SVMCMS Scheme for non-NET
Fellowship to full-time PhD Scholars and has no role in awarding the fellowship.

It also been mentioned that the date of receipt of the application in hard copy is 11 and 12 September,2024

It is strictly mentioned that all the documents are to be submitted as hard copy and the venue for submitting the hard copy is the URP Cell/PhD section (2nd floor Newtown Campus)
It is therefore mentioned that no soft copies or PDF would be considered or accepted. 

For more details and updates, students are advised to visit the official website of Aliah University at [aliah.ac.in] (https://www.aliah.ac.in)

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