Institutional Activities

International Expert Talk on Nutrition Transition organised at CUH

An international expert talk on “Nutrition Transition: The Shift from Traditional Diets to Processed and Fast Foods” was organized by the Department of Nutrition Biology along with the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences


Mahendegarh. : An international expert talk on “Nutrition Transition: The Shift from Traditional Diets to Processed and Fast Foods” was organized by the Department of Nutrition Biology along with the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh. Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice-Chancellor of Central University of Haryana, Mahendergarh appreciates the initiative taken by the department and emphasizes the nutritional requirement for healthy life.  

Prof. Dinesh Kumar Gupta Dean of SIAS, informed that such expert talks would also be conducted in the future in order to allow scholars to interact with eminent resource persons. Prof. Kanti Prakash Sharma, and Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Head, and Convener of the event informed that nutritional transition played a significant role in metabolic disease and heart issues.

Dr. Manisha Pandey from Pharmaceutical Sciences and Dr. Vidyullatha Peddireddy from Nutrition Biology, organizing secretaries of the event said that this expert talk was arranged especially for UG, PG students and PhD scholars of Nutrition Biology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. However, other students from different departments of CUH and outside CUH joined the session to gain knowledge about Nutrition Transition.

Dr. Vidyullatha Peddireddy & Dr. Manisha informed that Distinguished international expert Dr. Snigdha Misra, Assoc. Professor, School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Monash University Malaysia gave the expert talk. Dr. Snigdha Misra said that nutrition transition is a shift in dietary habits and physical activity. As we can see increasing trend in overweight and obesity, and diet-related diseases like diabetes and heart disease. We have seen and feel the importance of nutrition transition in the current generation.  The faculty and students from other universities all over the India joined the session and benefited from the talk. At the end of the program vote of thanks was given by Dr. Umesh Kumar, Department of Nutrition Biology.

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